Brittans hår

Amerikansk media tar det här med Brittans nya hair-do på rejält allvar. De väljer att låta en psykoanalytiker få fritt spelrum:

”This is a major form of acting out,” she said. ”She’s not using words and language as a way to express what’s going on. She’s doing things — the crotch shots, shaving her head, the tattoos. It says that she hasn’t learned to assert herself and become independent through self assertion rather than through acting out.

”The hair represents the stylists, the handlers, people who are in control of her life and manage her looks,” Marshall added. ”Now she’s saying, I’m in charge of my looks.”

By going bald, Spears may be seeking a rebirth.

”I think the shaving of her hair is a fresh start, is a new beginning, taking matters into her own hands, doing it her own way,” Marshall said. ”I think most importantly, in her own maybe distorted way, it’s getting rid of the superficial and getting down to something deeper.”

Yeah, right. Läs mer i ABC News: Bald and Broken: Inside Britney’s Shaved Head

Dock – kan jag tycka en sån här artikel har mer värde än de märkliga artiklar som svensk kvällspress använt sig av. Inga nya infallsvinklar, inga andra perspektiv än de förväntade ”usch och fy” och ”galenskapsrasande”.